about WebCGM_21_Requirements.html

WebCGM TC --

I have tried to summarize the state of our requirements considerations for 
WebCGM 2+.  I have culled all of the relevant emails, documents, and 
minutes that I could find.

I'd like feedback.  Have I missed anything?  Have I misrepresented any 
status?  Could the document itself be improved (structure, linking, etc)?

This is a very preliminary draft, but one thing does emerge ... we haven't 
actually CLOSED the status of any of the requirements, neither accepted 
(with concise scope definition) nor rejected.  In some cases we're close, 
in some cases we're awaiting input from the constituents, and in some cases 
we have not discussed the item at all yet.


>Date: 14 Aug 2007 22:15:15 -0000
>To: cgmo-webcgm@lists.oasis-open.org
>From: lofton@rockynet.com
>Subject: [cgmo-webcgm] Groups - WebCGM_21_Requirements.html uploaded
>Very preliminary draft!  Feedback requested.  A version of this could help 
>organize requirements work at F2F. -- Lofton Henderson* The document named 
>WebCGM_21_Requirements.html has been submitted by Lofton Henderson* to the 
>OASIS CGM Open WebCGM TC document repository. Document Description: View 
>Document Details: 
>PLEASE NOTE:  If the above links do not work for you, your email 
>application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to 
>copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web 
>browser. -OASIS Open Administration

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2007 22:24:58 UTC