Re: CR exit criteria

On Friday, July 28, 2006, 11:04:28 PM, Benoit wrote:

BB> Hi,

BB>   I've been thinking about the CR exit criteria discussion. Here's my
BB>   opinion on it.

BB>   First, I think Chris' request is reasonable (that is two
BB>   successful passes for each 1.0 and 2.0 tests).

To be clear, I'm asking for testing 2.0. Some of the tests to do that are currently 1.0 tests. I assume that they would need to be identified as WebCGM 2.0 files,though.

BB>  There is however a
BB>   down side to it, and that is it could slow us down in our progress
BB>   to Rec. 

BB>   Is there middle ground that can be reached? Probably.

BB>   I think we would have to agree that no new 1.0 tests can be created.
BB>   Dealing with the existing one is plenty for now. If the CGM Open TC
BB>   wants to create more tests later; that's up to them, but from a W3C
BB>   perspective, we are only dealing with existing 1.0 tests. Ok?

That was my proposal, yes.

BB>   Also, I don't think the working group should be trying to regroup
BB>   the two test suites into a single one. That would be wasted cycles
BB>   (in my opinion). 
BB>   Creating the matrix itself wouldn't take much time, the name of each
BB>   test is available in the ICS pro-forma. This is mostly copy/paste
BB>   work.

BB>   What is time consuming is if vendors provide inaccurate results;


BB>   this can't happen. Also each vendor would have to be able to provide
BB>   beta versions of their product for someone like Chris to verify the
BB>   results.

Perhaps we could do some of that at the f2f meeting?

BB>  If we get a commitment from all the vendors to provide
BB>   prompt and accurate results for each tests, it may be doable in
BB>   relatively little time; if that's not the case, I'm afraid we'd be
BB>   stuck in CR for a long time.

BB>   Thoughts on this?

 Chris Lilley          
 Interaction Domain Leader
 Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Monday, 31 July 2006 09:55:37 UTC