WebCGM WG teleconference - 27 Jul 2006

The minutes of the teleconference are located at:


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                            WebCGM Teleconf
                              27 Jul 2006



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/27-webcgm-irc


          Dieter, Thierry, Chris, Benoit, Dave, Lofton, Stuart

          Don (until Aug 7)


          Dave Cruikshank


     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]roll call 11:00am EDT, membership, agenda
         2. [6]routine WG business
         3. [7]LC comments
         4. [8]Implementation, CR, and TS topics
         5. [9]Tracker status
     * [10]Summary of Action Items

roll call 11:00am EDT, membership, agenda

routine WG business

   Meeting registration is complete

   <tmichel> I had lost connectivity. Iam dialing back to Zakim ...

   <Chris> standards are like sausages - ones enjoyment is increased by
   not knowing how they are made

   <lofton> well said!

LC comments

   <BB> Dean, are you still around? Did you get a chance to fix the
   tracker mailing list (from public to private)?

   i18n core accepted our response to their three comments

   <lofton> pemberton:



   <scribe> ACTION: Lofton to send new draft abstract to WG for
   approval in response to Pemberton comment [recorded in

     [12] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/27-webcgm-minutes.html#action01

   <scribe> ACTION: Lofton to send new draft abstract to WG for
   approval in response to Pemberton comment [recorded in

     [13] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/27-webcgm-minutes.html#action02

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-5 - Send new draft abstract to WG for
   approval in response to Pemberton comment [on Lofton Henderson - due

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-6 - Send new draft abstract to WG for
   approval in response to Pemberton comment [on Lofton Henderson - due

   Lofton will submit a comment dealing with hightlight method prose

Implementation, CR, and TS topics

   Chris comment on whether applications should demonstrate passing
   both WebCGM 1,0 and 2,0 TS

   <lofton> home page for viewers & printers:

   <lofton> [14]http://www.cgmopen.org/webcgm/viewers.html

     [14] http://www.cgmopen.org/webcgm/viewers.html

   For WebCGM 1.0 TS there were Inplementation Conformance Statements
   from vendors stating conformance to the TS, no matrix like we have
   for 2.0 TS

   <Chris> a bunch of these statements date from 2003 - I assume
   implementations have improved in the interim

   <Chris> Larson WebView CGM Pro seems to pass a lot of tests, even

   Question is what do we do about the 1.0 TS feature subset of 2.0 TS?

   <BB> to some degree i presume, the comments will give you more
   specific information, it's worth taking a look at them

   <Chris> MetaWeb has a lot of passes too

   One option is to create a composite ICS to see where we may have

   <scribe> ACTION: Lofton to work on a composite ICS [recorded in

     [15] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/27-webcgm-minutes.html#action03

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-7 - Work on a composite ICS [on Lofton
   Henderson - due 2006-08-03].

   After we have a composite ICS, we will contact vendors to verify
   potential problem areas

   We should continue discussion on principle on the list at:



   Test suite is under editorial control of the OASIS WebCGM TC

   According to Thierry, there should be a problem with the TS being
   someplace other than W3C

   Chris...the only requiremenet is that the TS is available to anyone
   and without and associated fees

   <tmichel> There should not be a problem to have iit else than W3C
   site, if it is publically available.

   <tmichel> Will read the minutes to know if we will have the
   testsuite on W3C site..

   <tmichel> Sorry I need to go as I have to join the TTWG telecon
   starting at 18h00.

   <tmichel> Bye

   Need to edit the intro document to be more w3c centric.

   We will give Thierry and Chris access to the ftp site where we keep
   the tests we are working on

Tracker status

   Beniot will send off a test issue to see which list it ends up on

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Lofton to send new draft abstract to WG for approval
   in response to Pemberton comment [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Lofton to send new draft abstract to WG for approval
   in response to Pemberton comment [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Lofton to work on a composite ICS [recorded in

     [17] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/27-webcgm-minutes.html#action01
     [18] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/27-webcgm-minutes.html#action02
     [19] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/27-webcgm-minutes.html#action03

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [20]scribe.perl version 1.127
    ([21]CVS log)
    $Date: 2006/07/28 16:38:47 $

     [20] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [21] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Friday, 28 July 2006 16:52:07 UTC