Fwd: RE: clarification about Köln hotel reservations

Oops, this correction arrived just after I hit 'send'...

>Reply-To: <ricardazydowitz@isodraw.de>
>From: "Ricarda v.  Zydowitz" <ricardazydowitz@isodraw.de>
>To: "'Lofton Henderson'" <lofton@rockynet.com>
>Cc: "Dieter" <dieter@isodraw.de>
>Subject: RE: clarification about Köln hotel reservations
>Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:27:35 +0200
>Sorry my mistake - the deadline for the room reservation is July 31.
>Best regards,
>Mit freundlichen Gruessen
>Ricarda von Zydowitz
>Office Manager
>ITEDO Software GmbH
>Sanddornweg 10-12
>53773 Hennef
>phone:+49 (0) 2242-9221-0
>fax:  +49 (0) 2242-9221-221
>web-site: http://www.itedo.com

Received on Monday, 10 July 2006 16:15:24 UTC