01/29/2025 W3C Web Authentication Meeting Agenda

Here is the agenda for the 01/29/2025 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting, a 60-minute teleconference.


Tim will chair the meeting.

1. Select scribe: please, someone is willing to scribe so we can get down to the issues
2. We have a new WD that can be used to move to CR: https://www.w3.org/TR/2025/WD-webauthn-3-20250127/ 
3. Issues for L3 CR https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2225
   - Demonstrate Implementation
   - Horizontal Review - Design
   - Horizontal Review - Privacy
   - Horizontal Review - Security
   - Horizontal Review - Accessibility 
   - Horizontal Review - Internationalization
   - Wide Review
4.   Other open issues or discussions 
5.   Adjourn

Thank you,


Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 18:37:26 UTC