Re: [webauthn] Add `challengeUrl` (#2152)

`Promise<BufferSource>`, what I'm going to say is an alternative way of pronouncing "challenge callback", which was discussed at pretty extensive length over here:

The issue has all but been closed since then.

In the WAWG discussion at TPAC yesterday the challenge URL was understood to be a better pattern for mobile use cases as well, so that whether you're in a browser or a native app an RP could allow for parallelizable credential discovery and challenge requesting to significantly improve some at-scale passkey auth scenarios (the idea is `rpId` could be specified earlier in page/app initialization, then while the platform/browser is discovering available credentials from available providers using the RP ID, a separate request for the challenge could occur in parallel to then pass in as client data to whatever authenticator/provider the user ultimately chooses to sign in with.)

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