Re: [webauthn] Surface platform authenticator status in the `create` (and maybe `get`) response / help RPs track UV/PA/RK (#1567)

I would argue that most of these are addressed at this point:

> ## Whether the registration is for a user-verifying authenticator

This is now sort-of available via [getAuthenticatorData()]( followed by a static byte index (`[32]`) and bitmask (`& 0b100`), no CBOR library needed. Only if the RP requests `userVerification: "preferred"` or `"required"`, but maybe that's close enough.

> ## Whether the registration is a discoverable credential (resident key)

As mentioned above, this is available in the `credProps` extension output.

> ## Whether the registration is a platform authenticator
> [...]
> 1. It would be nice to receive information whether the registration comes from a platform authenticator, at least in the case where the RP specifically asked for it.

This is now available as the [`PublicKeyCredential.authenticatorAttachment`]( attribute.

>2. It would be nice if this information was provided to the RP in a consistent way, and ideally in a way that the RP is likely to save by default (i.e. not purely in an extension).

Not really addressed. Perhaps L4 could move `credProps.rk` to a property on `AuthenticatorAttestationResponse`, like `getTransports()`, but on the other hand that would also just mean there's yet another place the RP needs to look for this information.

>3. It would be nice if all three properties were attested by the authenticator. I recognize this is probably a stretch.

Not addressed. I personally don't think these properties are important enough to be worth this effort.

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