Weekly github digest (WebAuthn)

* w3c/webauthn (+2/-4/💬4)
  2 issues created:
  - Enum values that ignore naming conventions in Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials - Level 3 (by dontcallmedom-bot)
  - Review privacy concerns around error conditions (by emlun)
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2132 [type:technical] 

  4 issues received 4 new comments:
  - #2133 Enum values that ignore naming conventions in Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials - Level 3 (1 by emlun)
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2133 [type:technical] 
  - #2132 Review privacy concerns around error conditions (1 by emlun)
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2132 [type:technical] 
  - #2117 Cross-window `Virtual Authenticator Database` (1 by sshmaxime)
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2117 [stat:Discuss] [subtype:FeatureProposal] 
  - #1757 Which "pubKeyCredParams" to use? (1 by coolaj86)
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1757 [type:editorial] 

  4 issues closed:
  - Add links where non-members can make patent licensing committments to `CONTRIBUTING.md` https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2128 [type:process] 
  - How to guarantee created resident key is actually received by RP in adverse networking conditions? https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2038 [type:technical] [type:editorial] 
  - [Superset] Updating credential metadata and requesting deletion of stale credentials https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1967 [type:technical] [@Risk] 
  - `options.mediation` should be called something else in step 14 of Registering a New Credential https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2122 [type:editorial] [stat:pr-open] [subtype:rp-ops] 

Pull requests
* w3c/webauthn (+0/-4/💬5)
  4 pull requests received 5 new comments:
  - #2123 Add the `topOrigin` field to the limited clientData verification algorithm (1 by agl)
  - #2115 Change type of credProps.authenticatorDisplayName to DOMString (1 by emlun)
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/2115 [type:technical] [subtype:extensions] [subtype:algorithms/WebIDL] 
  - #2104 Add topOrigin to the limited verification algorithm. (1 by agl)
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/2104 [type:technical] 
  - #2095 Add new error codes (2 by MasterKale)

  4 pull requests merged:
  - Update CONTRIBUTING.md for non-member IPR commitment
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/2131 [type:process] 
  - Add Signal API
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/2093 [type:technical] 
  - Fix Credential*Options/PublicKeyCredential*Options confusion in RP ops
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/2125 [type:editorial] [subtype:rp-ops] 
  - Change type of credProps.authenticatorDisplayName to DOMString
    https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/2115 [type:technical] [subtype:extensions] [subtype:algorithms/WebIDL] 

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/webauthn

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Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 17:00:34 UTC