Re: [webauthn] Deprecate AuthenticatorAttachment in favor of PublicKeyCredentialHints. (#2053)

> Doesn't `"hybrid"` mean both `"platform"` and `"cross-platform"` are allowed without preference to either one?

No, the [`"hybrid"` hint]( indicates a preference for a separate authenticator device using the [`"hybrid"` transport](, meaning it is separate from the [client device]( and therefore [cross-platform attached](

You may be thinking of the use case for `hints: ["client-device", "hybrid"]`, which signals a preference for essentially anything except a dedicated external security key: an integrated platform authenticator or (most likely) the platform authenticator on another nearby general-purpose computing device such as a smartphone (mirroring the [`"passkeyPlatformAuthenticator"` client capability](

> The spec says "if two hints are contradictory, the first one controls" which seems to imply that something like `["security-key", "client-device"]` is equivalent to `["security-device"]` due to the two contradicting each other and `"security-key"` appearing first.

Immediately preceding that, the spec says:

>Hints are provided in order of decreasing preference [...]

so no, your two examples are not equivalent - the former expresses a fallback preference of `"client-device"` while the latter expresses no fallback preference.

For the purposes of mapping to a suitable value of `authenticatorSelection.authenticatorAttachment`, though: yes, in this case the first hint would determine the respective `authenticatorAttachment` setting, and unconditionally override any and all other hints following it. So as of now there are 4 partitions, as you put it: `["security-key", ...]` and `["hybrid", ...]` mapping to `"cross-platform"`, `["client-device", ...]` mapping to `"platform"` and `[]` mapping to `undefined` (absent).

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