[w3c/webauthn] f43592: Align RP ID string types

  Branch: refs/heads/issue-2066-usvstring
  Home:   https://github.com/w3c/webauthn
  Commit: f43592880f8480184de3123b55fbd6c2b863e6a5
  Author: Emil Lundberg <emil@yubico.com>
  Date:   2024-05-20 (Mon, 20 May 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M index.bs

  Log Message:
  Align RP ID string types

`rp.id` in `PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions` and `rpId` in
`PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions` represent the same thing, but with
different types. The WG agreed on the 2024-05-15 that both should be
`USVString`. Strictly speaking this is a breaking change (changing a
type bound in input (contravariant) position to be more restrictive),
but in practice this shouldn't be able to break any applications since
then those credentials wouldn't have worked in `get()` anyway.

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Received on Monday, 20 May 2024 13:15:38 UTC