[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Add Signal API

nsatragno has just merged nsatragno's pull request 2093 for https://github.com/w3c/webauthn:

== Add Signal API ==
This PR adds a `PublicKeyCredential.signal*` set of methods that relying parties can call to notify authenticators of changes on the applicability or metadata of credentials.
* `PublicKeyCredential.signalUnknownCredentialId`
  This lets the relying party notify the authenticator that a request with a given credential id would be rejected.
* `PublicKeyCredential.signalAllAcceptedCredentialIds`
  This lets the relying party send a snapshot of all the credential IDs it will accept for a user, allowing the authenticator to hide or remove credentials not present.
* `PublicKeyCredential.signalCurrentUserDetails`
  This lets the relying party update a user's `name` and `displayName`.

Please see the [explainer](https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/wiki/Explainer:-WebAuthn-Signal-API-explainer) for more details.

Closes #1967. Closes #2038.

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<a href="https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/nsatragno/webauthn/pull/2093.html" title="Last updated on Aug 14, 2024, 8:26 PM UTC (f08e115)">Preview</a> | <a href="https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/webauthn/2093/2b8e368...nsatragno:f08e115.html" title="Last updated on Aug 14, 2024, 8:26 PM UTC (f08e115)">Diff</a>

See https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/2093

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Received on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 19:32:32 UTC