Re: [webauthn] Deprecate AuthenticatorAttachment in favor of PublicKeyCredentialHints. (#2053)

> This means that the countably infinite `[PublicKeyCredentialHints]?` is partitioned into five equivalence classes, correct:
> 1. `[]`
> 2. `["security-key"]`
> 3. `["client-device"]`
> 4. `["security-key", "hybrid"]`
> 5. `["client-device", "hybrid"]`

I would suggest that most RP's either A) use hints one-at-a-time to offer pre-registration guidance for the general category of authenticator they want the user to register, or B) group hints along the current `authenticatorAttachment` split:

1. ["client-device"]
2. ["security-key", "hybrid"]

IMO number 2 could just as easily put `"hybrid"` before `"security-key"` as the RP desires - nothing about hints forces any of them into buckets, that should be an opinion established by RP's (or library maintainers.)

> Here I am assuming that a missing `hints` field, `["hybrid"]`, and `[]` are the same.

Not necessarily. `["hybrid"]` is the RP communicating to browsers that support hints, "please start the user in your hybrid registration flow." `[]` carries no meaning and so the browser would be free to start the registration ceremony where it wants to (e.g. the curernt behavior of optimizing for platform authenticator registration.)

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