Re: [webauthn] Deprecate AuthenticatorAttachment in favor of PublicKeyCredentialHints. (#2053)

As I write my WebAuthn RP library, I do find it somewhat bizarre that `["hybrid"]` gets mapped to `"cross-platform"` instead of mapping to a missing value. According to the [`authenticatorAttachment` field](, "If this member is absent, then any attachment modality is acceptable". Doesn't `"hybrid"` mean both `"platform"` and `"cross-platform"` are allowed without preference to either one? If so, that seems to align with "any attachment modality is acceptable" (i.e., a missing field).

Also for clarification, the spec says "Hints are provided in order of decreasing preference so, if two hints are contradictory, the first one controls. Hints may also overlap: if a more-specific hint is defined a [Relying Party]( may still wish to send less specific ones for user-agents that may not recognise the more specific one. In this case the most specific hint should be sent before the less-specific ones". This means that the countably infinite `[PublicKeyCredentialHints]?` is partitioned into five equivalence classes, correct:

1. `[]`
2. `["security-key"]`
3. `["client-device"]`
4. `["security-key", "hybrid"]`
5. `["client-device", "hybrid"]`

Here I am assuming that a missing `hints` field, `["hybrid"]`, and `[]` are the same.

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