[w3c/webauthn] 431fd4: devicePubKey → supplementalPubKeys

  Branch: refs/heads/spk
  Home:   https://github.com/w3c/webauthn
  Commit: 431fd4edfa285d253472afe279b7ef5e9455b8f4
  Author: Adam Langley <agl@chromium.org>
  Date:   2023-09-02 (Sat, 02 Sep 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M index.bs

  Log Message:
  devicePubKey → supplementalPubKeys

This change removes the `devicePubKey` extension but adds the very
similar `supplementalPubKeys` extension. The major difference between
the two is that the latter allows for one _or_ two supplemental keys,
and while supplemental keys can be device bound, they can also have
"provider" scope, which is defined by their attestation statement.

Received on Sunday, 3 September 2023 01:05:21 UTC