[webauthn] Deprecation warning for fido-u2f, apple, and android-safetynet? (#1989)

vanbukin has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/webauthn:

== Deprecation warning for fido-u2f, apple, and android-safetynet? ==
`fido-u2f`: [Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox no longer supports U2F](https://developer.chrome.com/blog/deps-rems-95/#deprecate-u2f-api-cryptotoken)

`apple`: [Apple has moved to Passkeys starting from iOS 16 and no longer provides an Attestation Statement (to be precise - returns 'none')](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10092/?time=1211)

`android-safetynet`: [Google has announced the deprecation of SafetyNet Attestation.](https://developer.android.com/privacy-and-security/safetynet/deprecation-timeline)

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to add notes to the specification about certain Attestation Statement Formats either not being supported from specific browser versions, or discontinuing support in the future (as is the case with SafetyNet).

This would be a good support when implementing libraries for WebAuthn. So that those who develop them would not spend effort supporting something that is either used by a very small percentage of the audience, or not used at all.

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1989 using your GitHub account

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