12/06/2023 W3C Web Authentication Meeting - CANCELLED
12/13/2023 W3C Web Authentication Meeting
12/20/2023 W3C Web Authentication Meeting
[w3c/webauthn] 0c92b8: Merge pull request #1991 from w3c/issue-1956-preve...
[w3c/webauthn] 1b47d1: added issues
[w3c/webauthn] 20d556: added more issues
[w3c/webauthn] 275fe5: Merge pull request #2003 from w3c/issue-2002-non-r...
[w3c/webauthn] 280318: Don't define a [[preventSilentAccess]] internal me...
[w3c/webauthn] 594e33: John's feedback
[w3c/webauthn] 6c3bb1: Merge pull request #2004 from selfissued/mbj-ctap2...
[w3c/webauthn] 9bd286: Correct capitalization on "Github"
[w3c/webauthn] a6ee5a: Fix incorrect reference in Add Virtual Authenticator
[w3c/webauthn] b67232: Merge pull request #2001 from w3c/fix-add-virtual-...
[w3c/webauthn] bf2c76: first draft of improved txAuthSimple2 extension
[w3c/webauthn] c034bd: Disambiguate "this value" in authenticatorDisplayN...
[w3c/webauthn] c2ec71: Fix references to credential private key that shou...
[w3c/webauthn] cf3536: Add backup flags to virtual authenticator (#1999)
[w3c/webauthn] cff881: Add backup flags to virtual authenticator (#1999)
[w3c/webauthn] d40870: Merge pull request #2005 from w3c/pr-1880-credProp...
[w3c/webauthn] def236: Reference CTAP 2.1 errata spec
[w3c/webauthn] ecc19d: first pass at privacy considerations
[w3c/webauthn] f97472: simplified approach
[webauthn] [Superset] Updating credential metadata and requesting deletion of stale credentials (#1967)
- Arian van Putten via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 December)
- Kostas Pyliouras via GitHub (Saturday, 9 December)
- Arnar Birgisson via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
- Nina Satragno via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
- Arian van Putten via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
- Arian van Putten via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
- Thomas Duboucher via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
- Jordi Giménez Gámez via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
- Firstyear via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
- Jordi Giménez Gámez via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
[webauthn] Add a way to use webauthn without Javascript (#1255)
- Ryan Hiebert via GitHub (Thursday, 21 December)
- Arian van Putten via GitHub (Thursday, 21 December)
- David Waite via GitHub (Thursday, 21 December)
- Arian van Putten via GitHub (Thursday, 21 December)
- Matthew Miller via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 December)
- Rolf Lindemann via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 December)
- Paul Wise via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 December)
- Thomas Cannon via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 December)
- Matthew Miller via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 December)
- Rolf Lindemann via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 December)
- Ryan Hiebert via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 December)
- Rolf Lindemann via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 December)
- Adrian Cochrane via GitHub (Sunday, 10 December)
- Arian van Putten via GitHub (Saturday, 9 December)
- Matthew Miller via GitHub (Friday, 8 December)
- Thomas Cannon via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 December)
[webauthn] Add new getClientCapabilities method (#1923)
[webauthn] Add packed attestation optional firmware version attribute (#1953)
[webauthn] Allow for credential creation in a cross-origin iframe (#1801)
[webauthn] Cambios por abuso (#2006)
[webauthn] Closed Pull Request: Update index.html
[webauthn] Conditional UI support by WebAuthn WebDriver Extension (#2010)
[webauthn] Consider replacing "Github" with "GitHub" (#2007)
[webauthn] Indicate that the credential could be backed up and restored, but not synchronized (#1933)
[webauthn] Initial text for conditional create (#1951)
[webauthn] Make the default value for the attestation member in assertion options be null (#1972)
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Add backup flags to virtual authenticator
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Disambiguate "this value" in authenticatorDisplayName description
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Don't define a [[preventSilentAccess]] internal method
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Fix incorrect reference in Add Virtual Authenticator
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Fix references to credential private key that should be credential source
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Reference CTAP 2.1 errata spec
[webauthn] new commits pushed by agl
[webauthn] new commits pushed by emlun
[webauthn] new commits pushed by github-actions[bot]
[webauthn] new commits pushed by MasterKale
[webauthn] new commits pushed by nsatragno
[webauthn] new commits pushed by rlin1
[webauthn] new commits pushed by selfissued
[webauthn] new commits pushed by timcappalli
[webauthn] Prevent browsers from deleting credentials that the RP wanted to be server-side (#1569)
[webauthn] Pull Request: Correct capitalization on "Github"
[webauthn] Pull Request: Disambiguate "this value" in authenticatorDisplayName description
[webauthn] Pull Request: Update index.html
[webauthn] rp.name, user.name and user.displayName length limit does not state binary encoding (#1994)
[webauthn] Update index.html (#2008)
[webauthn] username and display name should not be mandatory (rp, challange either) and OS UX should be simplified if not present (#1915)
[webauthn] Which "pubKeyCredParams" to use? (#1757)
[webauthn] Wrong type of encrypted content specified for credentialId under "Credential Storage Modality" section (#2002)
Chrome extensions will be able to claim WebAuthn site RP IDs
Closed: [webauthn] Cambios por abuso (#2006)
Closed: [webauthn] reference CTAP2.1 PS spec and fix broken link (#1635)
Closed: [webauthn] Virtual Authenticator API does not expose a way to set backup-eligible or backup-status flags (#1987)
Closed: [webauthn] Wrong type of encrypted content specified for credentialId under "Credential Storage Modality" section (#2002)
Event Canceled: Web Authentication weekly
Weekly github digest (WebAuthn)
Last message date: Friday, 29 December 2023 11:28:54 UTC