PSA: Summary of changes in WebAuthn L2 WD-02 relative to WebAuthn L2 FPWD (WD-01)

Diff of  WebAuthn L2 WD-02 relative to WebAuthn L2 FPWD (WD-01)



[ Note: the links below are to a dynamically-constructed diff thus it takes
a while for a given link to load. ]

   - New Features and technical changes:

   - FIDO AppID Exclusion Extension (appidExclude)
      - This change adds a registration-only “appidExclude” extension that
         allows platforms to make excludeCredentials effective when
         from U2F.

         - User Agent Automation
         - This feature enables automated testing of browsers' WebAuthn
         implementations, via Web Platform Tests, e.g.:

         - Support for "Lightning" Transport

      - Feature Policy integration

      - Cross-origin iFrame support
      (due to Feature Policy support)

      - More-fine-grained and explicit Relying Party operations

      - Including allowing Client Platforms to unilaterally set extensions.

         -  Updated timeout considerations (for the timeout member of the
      options passed to create() or get())

      - Icon member removed from PublicKeyCredentialEntity

   - Editorial polishing, including:

   - Moving Sample API Usage Scenarios
      to Section 1

   - Spec Roadmap

      - Clarifications/improvements of various terminology
      definitions and listing of synonymous terms:
         - Authenticator
         WebAuthn Authenticator
         - Client-side-resident Public Key Credential Source
         Resident Credential
         - Credential  Key Pair
         Credential Private Key
         Credential Public Key
         User Public Key
         - Credential Properties
         - Relying Party Identifier
         RP ID
         - Server-side-resident Public Key Credential Source
         Non-Resident Credential
         - User Verification
         - WebAuthn Relying Party
         - WebAuthn Signature

         - Spec Roadmap

      - Feature Policy
      integration complete (in this spec)
         - enables cross-origin iframe usage if allowed by policy

         - Authenticator Taxonomy

      - String Handling

      - Various clarifications/improvements to Security Considerations
      Privacy Considertations


Received on Friday, 13 December 2019 23:01:51 UTC