Re: WebEx issue today

I connected to the call this week as not-a-host - once just by dialing 
in and once using the browser plug-in while not authenticated to WebEx - 
and I saw no problems.  I got the "host has not joined the meeting" 
pop-up, but it still let me connect to audio.  Others were able to 
connect as well.  I also confirmed that someone with the host code can 
become the host, and John and Tony have that code.

Hopefully what we saw on the 25th was either a transient failure or just 
UI confusion.  If you see examples to the contrary, please let me know.

-- Sam

On 4/25/18 2:53 PM, Samuel Weiler wrote:
> Colleagues,
> My apologies that the WebEx did not work as expected. I  double-checked 
> that WebEx is configured to that allows you to join without me there. My 
> testing showed that while WebEx gives a notice that the host has not 
> arrived, it still let participants connect.  I also saw that a couple of 
> people were still connected to the WebEx at 220pm.
> I am hoping this is just a UI issue - that the notice about the host not 
> being there scared people away, and that the WebEx still worked.  In any 
> case, I propose that I join the call late next week, or not 
> authenticated as host, and see what happens.
> -- Sam

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2018 18:27:59 UTC