[webauthn] new commits pushed by agl

The following commits were just pushed by agl to https://github.com/w3c/webauthn:

* Include an AuthenticatorTransport when creating a new credential.

FIDO U2F found it neccessary to wedge the authenticator transport in an
X.509 extension of the attestation certificate in order to communicate
this information to the RP.

In Webauthn, we currently note that it's possible that an RP might learn
this information from the attestation, but now have several kinds of
attesattion and it seems dumb to define ways to wedge this information
in each.

Instead, have the client include the transport in the
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse. Also, define another transport type
for cases where a non-standard protocol is used to communicate with a
platform authenticator.

Since interface attributes cannot be optional, technically this is a
breaking change, although I don't believe that it will break anything in
practice. Still, this could also be punted to an extension if we wished.
However, given that U2F found it to be so important, I've gone this
  by Adam Langley

* Include updates from the pull request.
  by Adam Langley

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2018 17:54:58 UTC