Re: changes in WD-09 from WD-07

Will this turn into a similar file now tagged to WD08

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 3:34 PM, =JeffH <>

> [ note: we agreed on the call today to publish a WD-09 containing these
> new modest commits..
> * e155bae 2018-03-14 | fix linking errors, ref
> PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions rather than
> MakePublicKeyCredentialOptions (#840) (HEAD -> master, origin/master,
> origin/HEAD) [=JeffH]
> * c53c1d1 2018-03-14 | move Johan from contributors to acknowledgements
> (#839) [Samuel Weiler]
> * f0a495b 2018-03-14 | Remove vestigial reference to
> CollectedClientData/clientExtensions (#835) [Mike Jones]
> * 9c60eed 2018-03-12 | Add links to two previous working drafts  (#834)
> [Angelo Liao]
> ..since WD-08. ]
> here's a compendium of the changes in WD-09 from WD-07 I gleaned this
> afternoon using <
> diff/diff-webauthn-WD-08a--from--WD-07.pdf>:
> * Clarifies backwards compatibility with FIDO U2F, and its reliance on
> * Adopts the the CTAP2 canonical CBOR encoding form for all CBOR-encoded
> data.
> * Further alignment with Credential Management, e.g., defining Public Key
> Credential Source, adding [[preventSilentAccess]] internal method.
> * Futher refines the [[Create]] (aka createCredential) and
> [[DiscoverFromExternalSource]] (aka getAssertion) algorithms in order to
> address potential side-channel timing attacks that could enable
> user-identifying information.
> * Adds authenticatorCancel operation to the Authenticator Model.
> * Uses only SHA-256 for hashing the client data.
> * Authentication extension data is no longer included in collected client
> data.
> * Clarifies the WebAuthn Authenticator Model, and refines & corrects the
> authenticatorMakeCredential and authenticatorMakeCredential operations.
> * Clarifies Attested Credential data, and adds examples of
> credentialPublicKey values encoded in COSE_Key format.
> * Renames Privacy CA as Attestation CA to conform with TCG TPMv2 specs.
> * Adds "None" as a formal Attestation Type, and defines a "None
> attestation statement format".
> * Clarifies the signature formats for Packed Attestation, FIDO U2F
> Attestation, and Assertion Signatures.
> * Refines and corrects the Relying Party registration and authentication
> assertion verification operations.
> * Clarifies and corrects the Packed, TPM, and FIDO U2F attestation
> statement formats.
> * Refines the Extensions framework:  clarifies the WebAuthn extensions
> model regarding passing-through unrecognized extensions, authenticator
> extension processing, and the inputs & outputs of defined extensions. Also:
>     * Clarifies and corrects the FIDO AppID extension.
>     * Refines and corrects the Location extension.
>     * Adds the Biometric Authenticator Performance Bounds Extension
> (biometricPerfBounds)
> * Coalesces Security Considerations section, adds attestation security
> considerations. Adds discrete Privacy Considerations section, touching upon
> attestation, registration, and authentication privacy.
> HTH,
> =JeffH

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2018 22:26:53 UTC