WebAuthN API for Chrome

Hi everyone!

Chrome's WebAuthN API at WD07* is finally finally shipping behind a flag in
Chrome 65. This implementation supports *U2F devices over USB for desktop*.

It's currently available in Canary and should show up in Dev & Beta over
the next few weeks: https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel

To enable the API, navigate to chrome://flags and enable "Web
Authentication API" (restart required). Or you can run chrome with the
command line flag: *--enable-features=WebAuthentication*

You can try it out with our demo server, webauthndemo.appspot.com, which
has also been updated to WD07.

*full disclosure: this version doesn't currently support AbortController,
AttestationConveyancePreference, or extensions.



Kim Paulhamus |  Software Engineer |

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2018 20:45:19 UTC