Re: [webauthn] JSON-serialized client data is wrong

@emlun wrote
> I think we should instead not reference the ECMAScript API at all for this. This part of the spec does not define actions to take by JavaScript code running in the client, rather it specifies behaviour internal to the client.

even tho you later retracted the above, just to clarify, I'll note that "this part of the spec", i.e. both `[[Create]]` and `[[DiscoverFromExternalSource]]` algorithms, are explicitly defining "behaviour internal to the client", i.e., the browser.  [ Hence, RP folk do not necessarily need to read or understand them. Hence PR #375 ]

@emlun later wrote
> I'll retract my previous idea of eliminating the reference to the ECMAScript API. I think it probably is best to keep that, so we don't have to repeat a definition of how to serialize the JavaScript object to JSON.

whew, agreed :)

> Rather than closing it, I'd rather that we changed the milestone because there are substantive details lurking here that we should try to get right.

Nominally agreed, tho if what we have in there now is "good enough" for PR and Recommendation maturity-levels (I spose we'll find out), then we may not want to gate those milestones on updating both and

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Received on Monday, 26 February 2018 22:37:12 UTC