Re: [webauthn] TokenBindingId value doesn't permit the U2F "unused" value

To expound some more:

The presence of the TokenBindingId indicates that the client and server negotiated and is using Token Binding, and the RP can use the ID to detect a MITM.

The absence of the TokenBindingId, however, doesn't permit the RP to distinguish between these two cases:
- the client supports token binding but did not negotiate it with the server because the server does not support it [reasonable situation]
- the client supports token binding but did not negotiate it with the server because there is a MITM and the server was tricked into believe the client didn't want token binding [bad situation]

To distinguish between the three total states, we're proposing something along the lines of replacing
"DOMString TokenBindingID" in the CollectedClientData with 

dictionary TokenBinding {
  TokenBindingStatus status;
  DOMString tokenBindingId;

enum TokenBIndingStatus { "present", "supported", "not supported" };

Open to suggestions, of course!

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Received on Monday, 12 February 2018 23:04:57 UTC