Re: Proposal: Chrome privacy CA

On 11/1/17, 9:21 AM, "Christiaan Brand" <> wrote:

> Please see attached a proposal from Google regarding the "Privacy CA" model that

> Chrome will be adopting.  ...  Please note that this document is a WIP, but I wanted to

> make sure we give everyone an early glimpse into our thinking so we could refine the

> proposal as we go along while making sure we have the necessary plumbing in

> WebAuthN to support this model.

here's a plain-text rendering of "External FIDO Privacy CA design.pdf"'s content, in case it is useful for replying/commenting/etc..

FIDO Privacy CA


Adam Langley < >

Matt Braithwaite < >

Christiaan Brand < cbrand >

Alexei Czeskis < aczeskis >

Dirk Balfanz < balfanz >

(October 2017)

This document is intended to inform other webauthn parties about our

plans and to encourage them to implement the changes to webauthn

that's required to support this model.

The problem

Webauthn and FIDO supports the concept of attestation: the ability

for a relying party to determine the provenance of the

authenticator-to-be-registered. We postulate that many consumers

services in reality don't care about provenance of authenticators

especially when deployed as a second factor, since the primary threat

model is scalable, remote attacks. However, in enterprise

environments there are usually the need for a much stricter

enforcement of authenticator types and as such it is important in

these cases for the device to disclose information about itself to

the RP.

In the current FIDO 1 world an RP would take the batch attestation

certificate sent by the authenticator and query the FIDO MDS to

determine the relevant attributes: whether the device has passed

protocol compliance testing, and perhaps the relevant security level

of the device. We want to make implementing attestation-checking

easier, so that sites are more likely to do it correctly and the

webauthn experience overall will be better for users.

The solution

Chrome intends to implement what we are calling a Privacy CA, but

which might be called an "attestation proxy". During webauthn and

U2F registrations the attestation certificate and signature from the

token will be sent to a Privacy CA, along with the hash of the signed

data. We are planning on following this same model for built-in

Authenticators on Android too, even when registrations are performed

by apps on the device.

The Privacy CA will:

  1. Check the attestation signature, given the attestation

     certificate  and signed data hash.

  2. Check the certificate (or other attestation) against its local


  3. If the signature is valid and the certificate is recognised, it

     will return a new packed attestation certificate and signature

     of the same hash to the Chrome instance.

Chrome will pass the Privacy CA certificate to the calling Javascript

so that the token appears to be attested by the Privacy CA. If the

Privacy CA returns an error then Chrome will substitute a generic,

meaningless attestation certificate for U2F and, in webauthn,

potentially return a dummy attestation type.

The Privacy CA will support two levels of attestation: Basic and FIDO

Security Certification Level tbd (hardware attestation + some code

review coverage). In time, we intend for both of these to be defined

by the MDS, which the Privacy CA will reload regularly. In

exceptional circumstances (such as a security issue with a token that

should be responded to immediately), or in order to bootstrap the

system before the MDS is ready, we may augment the MDS data.

The two levels of attestation will be exposed as two different

attestation roots.

The certificates from the Privacy CA, and the randomly generated

certificates from Chrome, will copy the transport type extension from

the token's certificate.

The Privacy CA will not learn of the sites that a user is registering

with because it only receives the hash of the signed data, and that

hash includes a random challenge which blinds the included rpID.

Enterprise cases

We do acknowledge that there are other relying parties out there that

have an obligation to ensure that the authenticators they accept meet

a certain security and usability bar, while not necessarily having

control over the client platform. These relying parties rarely (if

ever) have the need to uniquely identify authenticators or even

authenticator vendors, but rather are interested in being able to

tell whether an authenticator conforms to some minimum requirement.

Chrome has a mature enterprise policy system. A policy control will

be added to allow a token's attestation certificate to be returned

directly to the calling Javascript for whitelisted rpIDs.

This will obviously not apply to clients that don't have the

enterprise policy installed, but we note that a token need only be

registered on a configured client. It can then be used in other


Retrospective unblinding of tokens

We understand that the ability to identify affected users when a

security issue with a token is disclosed is desired. While issues

with weak keys and bad key-handle construction can likely be

identified without attestation information, some cases cannot be

spotted that way.

In order to support this, Privacy CA certificates will contain an

extension containing a series of 32-byte values. The first 16 bytes

of each value will be random and the remaining 16 bytes will be the

truncated HMAC-SHA256 of that random value under a key. The HMAC key

will be specific to some property of the token's certificate, for

example the certificate itself, the Issuer name, or perhaps the

AAGUID. A given certificate can contain several such 32-byte values

and thus may be identified by several different properties.

Google will maintain a public URL serving a JSON file containing the

HMAC keys corresponding to token certificates that are linked to a

known security issue. In this way, the Privacy CA can retrospectively

unblind Privacy CA certificates.

For example, if a specific batch of tokens is found to be flawed, the

HMAC key linked to the specific attestation certificate for that

batch can be published. RPs that wish to take special measures to

respond to the flaw can search their recorded attestation

certificates and, for those from the Privacy CA, look for a

value/HMAC pair that matches when using the published HMAC key.

Individual certificates

Since Chrome will have an enterprise policy control for direct

attestation, it can expose that signal to the token in case the token

should wish to use an individual attestation certificate in that


Would ECDAA be a better choice than a privacy CA?

Firstly, ECDAA is currently moot as millions of U2F tokens are

already deployed with batch certificates. We have to support them in

any case. Secondly, ECDAA is a smarter way to do batch attestation,

but it still inherently exposes vendor and, likely, model, and so

causes many of the same concerns as batch certificates.

Access to the Privacy CA

Expediency requires that Chrome's Privacy CA be run by Google, at

least at first. We are open to other browsers using our Privacy CA

should they so desire.

Requests from webauthn and FIDO

In priority order:

1. That the AAGUID be moved from the signed registration data to the

token's attestation certificate.

2. That an option be provided at registration time for sites to

indicate whether they "care" about attestation. If not, the

Privacy CA round-trip can be omitted. PR is here <>.

3. That the option default to false, i.e. so that people implementing

webauthn in the long-tail of sites and who will never care about

attestation, get the correct behaviour by default.

4. That the browser be able to add a blinding value that's included

in the signed registration data. (This eliminates the need for the

RP's registration challenge to have enough entropy to blind the

rpID from the Privacy CA.) This does not require a change to the API

and is simply something the browser could do today.

5. A boolean in the CTAP2 registration message to indicate to tokens

that individual attestation certificates may be used.


Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2017 22:52:12 UTC