Re: [webauthn] credential ID returned by authenticatorGetAssertion() is optional if allowList has exactly one member

Thanks for the review & guidance @domenic !

@domenic noted in irc #whatwg that when he says "post a task", he means "[[=queue a task=]](" 

@domenic wrote:
> - The algorithm stays synchronous
> - Anywhere it says "in parallel" gets removed. It's doing all its work on the background thread already.


> It never returns actual JS objects or messes with actual JS globals. Instead it returns the necessary data to create one. (Perhaps as an Infra struct.)

Ok, will look to ([preview]( for guidance. 

> - The "request a credential" operation, 

ah, you are referring to [webappsec-credential-management/#abstract-opdef-request-a-credential]( here it seems.

> after synchronously retrieving the error code or data necessary to create a credential, [queues] a task (going "back to the main thread") to actually do the object/exception creation and resolve/reject the promise.

ok, though IIUC, [webappsec-credential-management/#abstract-opdef-request-a-credential]( does not itself presently "queue a actually do the object/exception creation and resolve/reject the promise", yes?

I am thinking that all the "object/exception creation and resolve/reject the promise" functionality could be specified in the webauthn spec in a fashion similar to [WebAssembly PR #1093]('s approach. 


/cc @mikewest 

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Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2017 22:42:17 UTC