Re: Attestation changes (was RE: [webauthn] new commits pushed by rlin1)

One more thing: using a single level2Data structure for signature assertion
and attestation might need more explanation as the security posture might
be different (unrestricted keys, etc.).

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 6:34 PM, Vijay Bharadwaj <>

> Thanks very much for doing this, Rolf. I hadn't been able to finish this
> up yet unfortunately.
> I was looking at the diffs (
> webauthn/compare/vgb-modular-attestation...rolf-modular-
> attestation-changes) and I agree with a lot of the changes, and I think
> they make for a more consistent description of attestation overall.
> Two things I think we could discuss:
> 1. Naming - I feel like level1Data and level2Data are perhaps not
> sufficiently evocative. How do you feel about authenticatorData and
> attestedData? The former would be defined as things about the authenticator
> that might be said by anyone, and the latter is things that the
> authenticator (or its crypto kernel) actually attested to.
> 2. You added Android N attestation. Thanks for doing this - it fixes #103
> and #128, and it also provides a nice test case for adding new attestation
> types in the new structure. However, I am far from an expert on Android N,
> so perhaps someone who knows more about that could double-check the section
> for technical accuracy?
> Regarding logistics, would you be okay if I pull this into my attestation
> branch, then submit the whole merged thing as one unit once we've signed
> off as a group?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rolf Lindemann via GitHub []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: [webauthn] new commits pushed by rlin1
> The following commits were just pushed by rlin1 to
> * more notes added
>   by rlin1
> 1807de1cd8
> * merged
>   by rlin1
> 4a1ec3c16a


*Rolf* *Lindemann*
Senior Director, Products and Technology
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*Nok Nok Labs Inc.*
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Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 16:50:01 UTC