RE: Issues list initialized

Thanks very much Jeff

-----Original Message-----
From: =JeffH [] 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 3:45 PM
To: W3C Web Authn WG <>
Subject: Issues list initialized

I have copied over the issues, that we labeled as "OkToDo" or "Discuss" 
during the F2F on 4-Mar, from the fido repo to//

there were six issues in the fido repo that we had tagged to transfer to W3C but which didn't have either of the above labels, so I copied them over also. they are these..


Perhaps they didn't get labeled or whatever properly when we were going though the transfer-to-w3c issues during the F2F, so we should review them and mark their disposition accordingly.

I also initialized the set of labels -- it's just a start and we can easily modify/add/remove labels as we firm up our processes. We have no milestones established as yet (I removed the old fido-specific "W3C" milestone from the issues after copying them over).



fyi/fwiw/tmi/tl;dr: the tool I used to copy the issues is this one..

..and it seemed to work fine, except that it would only copy about 12 issues at a time before exiting with an error about authentication (go figure). 
Since it only copies "open" issues from the source repo, i made an explicit list of the issues to copy and gave it to the tool on the command line and ran a few batches. Other than that the tool worked fine (I did also do some configuration of the tool's "issue" and "comment" templates)

Received on Monday, 14 March 2016 23:23:17 UTC