Re: make default repo branch "gh-pages" or keep as "master"?

On 3/5/16, 5:14 PM, "Mike Jones" <<>> wrote:

Can we please just use "master"?  Git is hard enough without having to remember that this repository's Git procedures are different from every other Git repository that I use!

using master as the "default branch" is fine by me, it just means that whenever we wish to "publish" the repo to* we have to do an explicit push to the gh-pages branch.

From: Hodges, Jeff []
Sent: Saturday, March 5, 2016 4:37 PM
To: W3C WebAuthn WG <<>>
Subject: make default repo branch "gh-pages" or keep as "master"? appears to suggest making one's repo's default branch be "gh-pages"

doing so would mean that all work-in-progress* (merged) in (to) the gh-pages branch will be publicly available automagically at*


If we keep "master" as the default branch, then we would have an extra step of pushing changes from master to gh-pages branch in order to publish "editors' drafts"

However, in looking at<> it appears that that is what they webappsec folk are doing over there, so maybe that's the way we should go.

Again, advocates deleting the master branch and using just the gh-pages branch, which'd eliminate that extra push-to-gh-pages step noted above.

But I wonder whether our working draft(s) can be publicly available (which is the case with everything in the gh-pages branch) prior to reaching first public working draft (FPWD) status -- Wendy/Harry?

thanks, hth,


Received on Sunday, 6 March 2016 01:19:10 UTC