Canceled: 1 September joint task force call; next call 15 september

Dear joint task force participants,

Today’s call is canceled. The next call is scheduled for 15 September. 

I would love your input in building an agenda for that call. Some candidate topics:

 * TPAC: What joint discussion should we have during TPAC? The WPWG plans to meet 19-23 October [1].
 * Secure Payment Confirmation. Any updates or learnings to discuss in the task force?
 * Frictionless auth (e.g., for 3DS2) in the face of browser changes for privacy. What might browsers due to help
   risk systems in a privacy-protecting way, without any user interaction? 

Talk to you soon,


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2020 14:01:34 UTC