`hints` enabled on Chrome Canary

Dear all,

Chrome Canary >= 128.0.6565.0 (see chrome://version to check) now has
support for hints <https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#enum-hints> enabled by
default. The primary goal of the current code, based on feedback, is to
support the "security-key" hint, but the others also work. One can
experiment with this parameter using the "Advanced Settings" button

At this time we are still respecting the authenticatorAttachment parameter
as well. Thus it is possible to disable security keys with
authenticatorAttachment="platform" and fruitlessly hint "security-key". We
do recognise that the authenticatorAttachment doesn't apply very well to
the modern realities of WebAuthn and we may switch to translating it into
hints in the future. But we're not doing that all at once.



Received on Monday, 1 July 2024 17:07:42 UTC