[notes 2022-07-25

Le 25/07/2022 à 08:34, Dominique Hazael-Massieux a écrit :
> Hi,
> I expect the main topic of discussion to be 
> https://github.com/passkeydeveloper/howtopasskey.dev but let me know if 
> there are other items you would like to bring up.

Short meeting today - my quick notes:

MOOC: module 3 (/4) pretty much done, still need some editing; framework 
ready for 4; will be asking for review sooish. Contemplating passkeys, 
probably as a pointer towards external material while it is moving a target
   DavidT: could be usefully added as a resource for the certified dev 

DavidT: certified dev program launched, with a number of people signed 
up, lots of interest

Tim had sent regrets, so we didn't have much to discuss on the 
howtopasskeys site.

Next meeting on August 8 (with regrets from me, Nick/Matt chairing)


Received on Monday, 25 July 2022 17:12:00 UTC