WebAssembly spec advancement to Candidate Recommendation

Hi everyone,
On June 12, the WebAssembly WG met and discussed the publication status of
the WebAssembly specification. The notes are posted in the meetings repo
We reached consensus to transition the current version
<https://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-core-2/>of the spec (including the JS
<https://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-js-api-2/> and web
<https://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-web-api-2/> API specifications) to Candidate
Recommendation <https://www.w3.org/2023/Process-20231103/#RecsCR> (CR)
status, with the intent to use it as the basis for a "living
<https://sideshowbarker.github.io/w3c-faq/#living-standards>" standard,
meaning we will continually update the standard in the CR state rather than
advancing it to REC status.
The current working draft includes the sign-extension,
nontrapping conversion, multi-value, reference type, bulk memory, and SIMD
proposals. Tomorrow's WG meeting includes an agenda item to advance the
tail call, extended const, typed funcref, garbage collection, multi-memory,
relaxed SIMD, custom annotation, and branch hinting proposals to phase 5,
after which they will also be merged into the spec.

If you are a WG member and have concerns or objections about these
decisions, please contact the WG chairs at team-wasm-chairs@w3.org by *July
23rd*, 2 weeks from today. If there are no objections, the decisions will
become official at that

-Derek, on behalf of the WG

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2024 18:24:43 UTC