RE: WebAssembly and Bytecode question

Dear Rahman,

From what I’ve seen, the binary format is still not defined so what the final format will be is difficult to tell.

However, from what discussions I have seen, it seems that there is interest in looking at a streaming + compression system so it won’t be instruction after instruction in binary format. But nothing is defined or set in stone yet, as far as I know ☺


From: Rahman USTA []
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 6:16 AM
Subject: WebAssembly and Bytecode question

Hi all ;

I want to ask a question about the WebAssembly. Can I think WebAssembly's binary form is similar to bytecode ?


Rahman USTA
Istanbul JUG<>

Received on Monday, 25 January 2016 17:27:40 UTC