WebAssembly: meeting notes, co-chair proposal

Hello WebAssembly CG / WG participants!

The notes for the recent in-person meeting are now posted:


Thanks to all who attended! Special thanks to *Fastly* for hosting, *the
tireless scribes* for bringing us these detailed notes, and *the presenters*
for putting their ideas out there for all to build on. We met for 3 days,
had 36 participants, took 7 polls (but got plenty more direction), and
discussed 21 topics including multi-value, GC, reference types, SIMD,
ECMAScript modules, blockchain, threads, tail call, Mono, crash report. I
generated a pretty wordcloud from the notes which you'll find at the end of
this email (it says "wasm can spec" which seems appropriate).

Our next CG video call is May 1st, and the WG call is the next day:



We'll hold both on zoom.us as we've recently done. If you don't have the
URL please email myself or Brad.

One discussion point I'd like to bring you your attention: on the May 1st
video call I'll propose that we have a co-chair for the WebAssembly CG.
Please see details in the agenda, and let me know if you have any concerns.

Notes for the previous CG and WG video calls are here:




WebAssembly CG chair


Received on Monday, 23 April 2018 21:02:51 UTC