Re: Success Criteria of the WebApps WG [was: Re: CfC to publish DeviceOrientation Event CR Snapshot - review by 11 March]

Hi Anssi, 

> On 25 Mar 2024, at 11:03 PM, Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:
> Process details aside, what does this mean to DAS WG and WebApps WG participants?

As this was an administrative error, that text was not supposed to be removed from the original browser. When we did the original Charter review, we were operating under the assumption that Success Criteria had not changed.  As such, we’d like to move propose a group decision to operate as if the original text was from the previous Charter was still in effect. I acknowledge that that was a terrible oversight on our part, but we have an opportunity to rectify it, so thanks for pointing it out. 

We will move to have a formal CFC to move the group to operate under the previous Success Criteria soon. Rationale being that WebApp’s requirements are more stringent than other working groups, and our distinct  Success Criteria has served Web Apps well for many years - avoiding issues that we see in other working groups.  

> Thank you for your contributions and patience, everyone. I can’t wait to kick off this long-awaited collaboration and welcome new folks on board who are eager to start contributing.

Just noting that anyone can start contributing already - no need for them to wait for any of the administrative things above. They are not pertinent to working on the specs. 

Kind regards,

Received on Monday, 25 March 2024 22:06:39 UTC