Re: [service-workers] Exposing parent client ID for iframe navigations

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On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 11:39 AM Ashley Gullen <> wrote:

> I've been developing a Service Worker with a fairly straightforward goal
> of serving Blobs via a map of URL to Blob. For example the map might
> associate "myimage.png" with a Blob of a PNG image. Then this can be served
> for a request to The map is stored per client
> ID, so each client has its own independent map of blobs to serve.
> The trickier part is I'd like this to propagate through iframes too - so
> if a client using that map opens a (same-origin, same path) iframe, then
> content in that iframe can also successfully request
> The main problem I've come across is when a client opens an iframe, it
> makes a "navigate" mode fetch with an empty clientId, instead only having a
> resultingClientId. However I need to know the clientId of the parent
> client, so I can propagate the parent's map of blobs to also apply to the
> resultingClientId. But it seems there's no way to get the parent client
> from an iframe's FetchEvent.
> I can hack around this by passing a clientId in the iframe query string,
> but that is further complicated by the fact clients don't appear to know
> their own clientIds - only the Service Worker does, so there has to be an
> async postMessage to identify it (plus careful management of lifecycles to
> make sure the message works).
> So it seems there are two things that are missing from SWs:
> - the parent clientId for an iframe navigation (why not fill the clientId
> field of FetchEvent with that instead of leaving it blank?)

Right now the clientId is the client which initiated the request, so it
isn't a good fit if you're actually wanting to know the parent client ID.
But maybe we could add parent client ID?

> - clients to know their own clientId

It'd be great to make the clients API available in regular pages, along
with exposing 'this' client ID. Just needs people with time to do it 😀

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 12:26:58 UTC