RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: TPAC: Is there any interest in the Web Share breakout meeting?

I’m available for that time slot and happy to attend as a technical representative of potential Windows implementations. If there are any docs/discussion threads that it would be appropriate for me to go through beforehand, please let me know.

An official calendar invite would also be great so I don’t have to have someone admit me to the meeting in real time, but if I don’t get one before then I’ll just use the link provided below.

From: Matt Giuca <>
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2020 10:19 PM
To: Marcos Caceres <>
Cc: public-webapps <>; Eric Willigers <>;; Hoch Hochkeppel <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: TPAC: Is there any interest in the Web Share breakout meeting?

Sorry, I don't know how to share the Google Calendar, but the meeting URL is<> if people want to attend from this email.

On Mon, 26 Oct 2020 at 16:14, Matt Giuca <<>> wrote:
Hi Marcos,

On Mon, 26 Oct 2020 at 15:48, Marcos Caceres <<>> wrote:
Hi Matt,

> On 26 Oct 2020, at 11:14 am, Matt Giuca <<>> wrote:
> Hi Web Plat WG,
> I saw that Marcos created a Web Share breakout meeting at 21:00 UTC on Tuesday. However, aside from two editors at Google (myself and Eric), there is only one person on the attendee list on the Google Calendar.
> I'm not sure if others are planning to attend ad hoc, so I guess this is a call for interest. (This meeting is also at an inconvenient time for us in Sydney.)

Spoke to Kagami - we are ok to move the meeting forward if it suits the Sydney folks better. The time was so it would still be able to get the US and late evening in EU. However, it's ok to shift it by one or two hours if that works better.

I have an unavoidable errand from 8:15 to 9:00 so it's difficult for me. I'm reluctant to move it later because then it will clash with other meetings and there may be other folks planning to attend who will also experience clashes if we move it.

I think Eric can be there for the whole time, so perhaps I should just try my darndest to get back by 9 and attend the last hour. (Only problem is that it might end prematurely.) How long do we actually think it will take? Is the 2 hours just a buffer or do you think we have 2 hours of material to discuss?

Perhaps we can just make it 9-10?

> If we don't have enough people to make progress on the spec issues, perhaps we should cancel this meeting and attempt to discuss those asynchronously?

That's also an option. We thought have a high bandwidth discussion might work best as we've got a quite a few overlapping issues around files + validation, canShare(), and the proposed canShareFiles/Type().

I agree it would be best to discuss those issues in a high-bandwidth meeting.

I do want to make sure all the people with a stake in it are present, though. I don't believe I've met Kagami — are you implementing WS on Firefox or planning to contribute to the spec? Also, within Google, Eric and I are both only able to represent the Chrome OS side, so it would be good to have Android folks present as well. I am putting out some feelers on that front.

It just occurred to me to invite Hoch from Microsoft, who has implemented Web Share on Windows in Edge/Chromium. Hoch, I CCd you on this thread. The TPAC meeting is scheduled for 2–4 PM Tuesday Pacific time / 9–11 PM UTC. Are you able to attend?

> If you want to attend the meeting, could you say yes here or on the Google Calendar event?

Received on Monday, 26 October 2020 10:52:55 UTC