Reminder: WebApps meeting at TPAC


The WebApps WG TPAC meeting is on 19 October from 9PM to 11PM UTC. The 
agenda and meeting logistics (including time conversions)  are here:

There is a WebApps WG TPAC calendar. Everyone in the WG was sent an 
invite to the calendar and it is also publicly available here:

The time will not be convenient for everyone, but please do try to make 
it if you can. It is an opportunity to find out how different WebApps 
specifications are doing, plus updates on things intended to make spec 
editing easier.

Any questions, you know where to find us.

Léonie and Marcos - WebApps co-chairs.

Director @TetraLogical

Received on Thursday, 15 October 2020 07:41:42 UTC