Re: Virtual TPAC meetings


We're putting together the agenda for the Web Apps WG meeting at TPAC.

We'll kick-off with spec status reports from editors, but after that the 
agenda is open - so if anyone has topics, questions, or other things 
they'd like to be included, please let us know by Friday 9 October.

Léonie and Marcos - WebApps chairs

On 30/09/2020 09:23, Marcos Caceres wrote:
> Hi Folks, Spec Editors,
> Please see below - important information about the upcoming Virtual TPAC meeting(s) in October.
> I've sent out a calendar invite to WG Members that will allow you to see our group's TPAC shared schedule. At the moment, there is only one scheduled meeting for Monday 19th of October.
> However, we are **inviting you to set up your own spec/community meetings** from the 26-30th of October.
> If you are not a working group member, or don't have a Google account, the calendar is publicly accessible at:
> WG Members with a Google Account have the ability to add/edit the calendar.
> If you didn't receive and invite, it was because you didn't have a Google account. If you have some alternative Google account that you can use, please email me and I can invite you - or email me and I can set up an entry for you and invite people on your behalf.
> ## Holding a meeting (breakout session)
> Important: your meetings should happen between 26-30th of October.
> If you'd like to hold a meeting for your spec/community, please go ahead and make an entry in the calendar between those dates above - you can hold as many meetings as you like, for as long as you need (within reason).
> Please be mindful when holding a meeting that it doesn't clash with other group meetings taking place at the W3C around the same time:
> Please feel free to invite working group members or folks in the community who you are collaborating with.
> There are some rules for holding a meeting, below.
> ## Organizing a meeting
> Each spec has a Github issue open for coordinating a TPAC meeting. Please chime in and let the spec editors know if you want to meet - and please subscribe to the issues/specs you care about.
> Not all specs are meeting.
> * Badging API -
> * Clipboard APIs -
> * File API -
> * GamePad API -
> * HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 -
> * Input Events -
> * Intersection Observer -
> * Pointer Lock 2.0 -
> * Push API -
> * Selection API -
> * Screen Orientation API -
> * UI Events -
> * Web App Manifest -
> * Web Share -
> Spec editors, please announce if/when you are meeting to your community in the GitHub issue.
> ## Rules for holding a meeting
>   * Choose a VOIP technology that can support your participants (hangouts, Zoom, Skype, etc.). Please don't share the info publicly - send calendar invites or emails with that info.
>   * Make a note of who is present at your meeting and anyone who sent regrets.
>   * In a publicly accessible document (google doc, GitHub wiki, whatever), make a record of:
>      * Who is present, who took the minutes, any one who sent regrets
>      * Clearly label topics discussed
>      * Actions to be taken - these can just be links to GitHub Issues.
>      * Any "resolutions", although asynchronous resolutions are preferred through consensus (i.e., file bugs on GitHub).
>      * please provide a public link to the minutes, so we can then collate them.
> I've created a template that you can use/adapt:
> ## Questions, etc..
> Doing a virtual TPAC is new for all of us, so expect some hiccups - timezone coordination alone is going to be a real challenge.
> Please email Leonie and I if you have any questions. You can also find us on Slack in the #webapps channel:
> Kind regards,
> Marcos and Leonie - Working Group Chairs

Director @TetraLogical

Received on Thursday, 1 October 2020 09:02:19 UTC