CORS should be abandoned

CORS should be Abandoned, Adobe’s Approach should be Adopted


Change history:

draft #1
better formatted version can be retrieved here: or

Tags: CORS should be abandoned, CORS is a stupid design.

The Original Purpose of CORS(Cross Origin Resources Sharing)

Concerning "CORS", its original purpose is to relax the same
site(origin) policy to meets web developers’ need: When is being loaded in a browser, a.html requires a
piece of data from or secreteData. Let me
stop use Travis' &, I am afraid that some
people stop thinking clearly when they see the word “evil”. It seems
the word stir up their emotions.

In the old days, browsers do not allow a.html from to
load any data from because of the same site policy
imposed by browsers. Since code is allowed, so web developers got
around it to load data by embedding the data into javascript code.
Illustrated as follows.

if contains


we change its content to

var vname={timestamp:1234234,bid=70,ask=80};

then when it is loaded with a script element in a.html, a.html can
access vname, that’s the data it needs. This is the script element

or we change its content of tickerMSFT to


where functionName is a function defined in a.html, when the above
code is loaded, the function is executed, and a.html have access to
the data. This is called jsonp approach since the functionName is
padded to the request made to

Either approach works, but they brought security issues, since
whatever is loaded is executed. While the original needs of a.html is
to load data, not code, especially a.html does not want whatever
loaded from other sites to be utilized before examined. So we need
browsers to relax the same site policy to allow a.html to load
anything from other sites in a secure manner: we hoped there is a
mechanism for a.html to instruct the browser to deem other sites as
same origin, so data can be loaded as needed. Concerning codes from
other sites, I will discuss it in other threads.

Without browser support, to ensure a.html to get what it needs in a
secure manner, the only way is to load at
server then, after being checked, serve a.html the
data. This approach conforms the same site policy imposed by browsers,
though web developers do not like this approach.

The above is the situation before the first version of CORS is
released. The context is that needs the public resources on
other sites such as, but do not trust them completely. Please
focus on this, and do not act like many people to mess around and to
dream about the securities of those other sites. If you really care, I
will talk about it later.

People Went Off Road - CORS is not the solution

People like Florian Bosh & Tab Atkins were thinking how should they
instruct browsers to distinguish

requests for public data such as tickerMSFT from requests for
secreteData. They thought if a.html is allowed to load tickerMSFT from, then it can also load secreteData from I guess the
authors of CORS(Matt Oshry, Brad Porter, J Auburn, and Anne Van
Kesteren) must think in same way, so those people devised a domain
based referrer authorization check mechanism (CORS) to be imposed by

The mechanism requires authorization rules (access control) to be
defined for all resources and the authorization rules are mainly
imposed by browsers. For example, the authorization rules on
secreteData is declared for browsers to allow access from some sites
with some specific methods ( might not be in the list), and
rules (access control) on publicData such as tickerMSFT is declared
for browsers to allow access from all domain
(Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) with any method.

I think they went too far and off road (while I can only see 1 step
ahead) from what we are looking for. Clearly, the authorization check
is the responsibility of, not of browsers. Tab Atkins(post
#0015) & Florian Bosh(post #0017 and #0025) thought it is the
responsibility of browsers. Florian Bosh & Tab Atkins never asked how
the manager of can distinguish requests referred by from requests referred by
I would guess they know, and I guess we all know, so let me omit this.
Since the designer of can and must do authorization check
(referrer based, user or role based, time base, etc) on resource
access, at least on access to secreteData, there is no need for to delegate authorization check from their own web server to
browsers. And no security wary manager will allow the authorization
check of their protected resources to be dependent on browsers.

The Simple Adobe’s Solution Should be Adopted

To meet the cross origin needs of web developers from then and now,
the simplest solution is for to instruct
browsers to deem as same origin either with <meta
name="allowOrigin" content=""/> or with an http header(I
would suggest to allow multiples). This directive mechanism is
asymmetric since this directive does not imply also
deems as same origin.

As long as browsers can take this into same origin (I use term
“origin” since it is not just one site) check procedure, then our
original purpose is fulfilled, web developers’ need is satisfied.
Let’s call this as “Adobe’ s approach”, I will lay down the reasons in
the second last paragraph.

If this Adobe’s approach is taken, does it bring any new security
issue? No, none. Since any request made to is what
a.html needed and in a way prescribed by it: The responses from is treated as data, either json objects or text, or
html. a.html has control on the use of it, and any security check
could be done before make use of it. If you think it brings any new
security issue, please enlighten me!

If this Adobe’s approach is taken, does it solve some security issues?
Yes, at first, the approach with script element or with jsonp can be
avoided. As explained earlier, they are not secure since they are
javascript code, and executed before being examined by its user –
a.html. Furthermore, cross site attack can be avoided even an attacker
from (I do not like the term evil here either) can
inject any strings (codes) into a.html. Since a.html did not tell
browsers to deem as same origin, so browser will not
allow any request to be made to By the way, with
CORS, for the same situation, confidential data can be sent to without any obstacle. Some people might not
get this, so let me state it one more time: If the attacker from has the ability to inject string into your bank, then the attacker can send confidential data to because accepts access from If you think I am wrong, please enlighten me.

As for our original purpose, from web developers’ point of view, this
Adobe’s approach is the best solution. It meets the cross site needs
of web developers by supporting data access to other sites in a secure
manner while not bringing any new security issue.

Be noted a.html has access to does not
implies it has access to as has
authorization check procedure for its secreteData. Don’t tell me that
manager at do not do authorization check for its protected
data at server side, and solely rely browsers to do the authorization
check. Stefan Zager is a nice reminder: at server side the white list
approach should be taken, only resources in the white list can bypass
some authorization check. Don’t tell me that the manager forgot to do
so, and so browsers step forward and nicely take the responsibility
for the protection of his confidential data. Don’t tell me you think
the referrer based authorization check can be safely delegated from
server side to browsers. With CORS, the referrer based authorization
check reduced to domain based check. Any way, if you do, I would say
that’s stupid.

All the respondents to my post murmured about cross site security
issues. But no one really gets to the substantial point: the simple
Adobe’s approach I proposed brings what extra security issues. I would
say none. If you think there is any, please enlighten me!

Browser Sandbox Structure Does Not Entail CORS

If we look at the problem from browser designers’ point of view, as I
promised before “I will talk about the securities of later”.
The same site/origin policy is a derived term from the sandbox
structure utilized in browsers to prevent different web applications
from interfering each other. Each of different websites is put into
different sandboxes. It is the sandbox structure that obstructs cross
site data access.

There might be some websites, since they do not have any real
confidential data to protect so they do not do authorization check at
server side, instead they rely on browsers to do the domain based
referrer authorization check (I have to admit that this sentence is
logically flawed) or websites do have authorization check at server
side, but still they want to utilize an extra layer of authorization,
is there any way for resources to instruct browsers that the resources
should only be put into some specific sandboxes? We can say to this
aim, CORS is devised, clearly this is against the parsimony principle
since domain base referrer authorization check if needed should be
done at server side.

CORS Should Retire

Some people like Tab Atkins (post #0028) and Stefan Zager(post #0030)
said it would be better that by default all resources should only be
allowed to be put into the sandbox for its website, and should not be
put into any other sandboxes unless stated otherwise. Let’s call this
as “mandatory directive”. Tab Atkins acknowledged in post #0028 that
“(As Jake has said, some resources that were linkable in the early
web, like images, are stuck with #1. Changing them at this point would
break too much of the web, but as a result we have regular security
issues.)” I hope nobody misunderstood the last sentence which says if
we impose the “mandatory directive”, then “too much of the web” is
broken. In fact, not only “the early web”, many new websites do not
conform to the mandatory directive by serving the header that Tab
Atkins suggested and Florian Bosch is eager
for(Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *). The language ability of Tab
Atkins is the height that I am not able to achieve. When he said that,
he gave people the impression that he is opposing the change in order
not to “break too much of the web”, isn’t it? In fact, it is he who
insisted “the mandatory directive” which “breaks too much of the web”.
Did you misunderstood him as a result of his misleading sentence?

If the mandatory directive of CORS can be removed and add Adobe’s
approach I proposed above, then we achieve the seamless extension of
the same origin policy. It is OK to remove the mandatory directive as
no confidential data on any website is dependent on it. By the way,
when browsers found any resource cross site referred does not conform
to the mandatory directive, browsers, if Tab Atkins likes, can make an
extra request to notify the server such as Although
this request will not have a response, when the manager of
look at the log, they will notice it.

In a word, even to keep the CORS, there is no point to impose the
mandatory directive. And I really hope the Adobe’s approach I proposed
can be added to avoid “breaking too much of the early web” and the web
that does not conform to CORS’ mandatory directive and to prevent
cross site attacks even the attacker got the opportunities to inject

Of course, you can always say: CORS – the domain based referrer
authorization check at browser side – as an extra layer of security
does no harm. I would say if you utilize CORS to do domain based
referrer authorization checking done mainly by browsers, you know it
is redundant even if you need it since you must have done so at server
side, and if you rely on that, you are encouraged by those incompetent
professionals to build a cranky security system! I would guess in
reality when CORS is used, most of them is the header that Florian
Bosch is eager for. Overall for parsimony reason, CORS should retire.

As Jake Archibald mentioned, semantics of Adobe “allowOrigin” in
a.html(if) is to allow code from to be executed in In web, this is implicit as code can always be
loaded and executed from anywhere. Given our original purpose on
extending the same origin policy is for data access, so “allowOrigin”
should have the semantics of instructing browsers to allow a.html to
make request to for data. This is the reason I think
why we can call this approach as Adobe’s approach.

I feel the point I want to make is simple, but I found that people can
not understand me. Is it because the words such as “stupid” drag
people off the road to point I want to make? Originally, I thought as
long as I raised the question, you smart people could right the wrong,
and I do not have to spend time on this. Unfortunately, it did not go
well, so I write this long post. If you find any mistake in this post,
please let me know where I am wrong, but please do not utter/murmur
some general statements while not getting to any substantial point.

Jack (Zhan, Hua Ping詹华平)

Received on Friday, 13 October 2017 14:53:05 UTC