Re: Why can't we just use constructor instead of createdCallback?

On Dec 5, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbarsky@MIT.EDU> wrote:
> On 12/6/13 1:49 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
>> Then how do we define a custom element using ES6 classes?  Are we going to not call the constructor?
> An excellent question, indeed.  I don't have a good answer for you.

It appears to me that we should definitely have a good answer for this question before the specification reaches CR
given that the definition of ES6 classes is pretty stable at this point.

> If we do make elements subclassable (which it seems like we should), we would presumably need to make the actual default constructor of the built-in element classes a no-op, since we can't actually rely on the subclass calling it.  All the relevant setup would need to be done by @@create.
> Given that, we could maybe cheat and in fact do some sort of delayed calling of the constructor of ES6 subclasses of elements.  You'd still be able to observe these objects in an "unconstructed" state from the subclass pov, but at least it wouldn't be a security issue in terms of operating on a DOM that's in an inconsistent state from the point of view of privileged code.

Right.  I know it sounds so cheesy but I was suggesting something along that line.

> It's not clear to me how OK such an "unconstructed" state is.  I suppose it's no worse than someone extending the ES6 subclass in question and then never calling its constructor...  But that's a programming error on the someone's part, typically, while here we would be effectively forcing this sort of thing on all Element subclasses.

I think the question is how observable such a delay is and what implications it would have.

> All that still seems more palatable than trying to completely revise HTML parsing to be robust to constructors running when the element is created….


> Might be worth checking on public-script-coord to see what the TC39 folks think about all this.

Sounds like a good idea.

- R. Niwa

Received on Friday, 6 December 2013 07:34:14 UTC