inline declarative manifest, was Re: New manifest spec - ready for FPWD?

On Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at 4:27 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

> > > I also think that we need a way to put the manifest in-line in the
> > > main document. In part, technologies tend to be a lot easier to
> > > understand if you can create a single-file demo. In part, for small
> > > simple apps, having to separate the manifest into a separate file
> > > could be annoying and might drive people to stick to the existing
> > > meta-tags.
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > Would it suffice to use the API? It’s much simpler than trying to write out JSON by hand and wouldn’t require us to create any new special script type, etc.
> >  
> > <script>
> > if(“requestBookmark” in navigator){
> >  
> > var appDetails = {name: “Awesome app!”, mode: “standalone”};
> > navigator.requestBookmark(appDetails).then(happy,sad);
> > }
> > </script>
> I don't think so. That wouldn't let search engines find it. It also
> wouldn't let us hook it up to the bookmark menu unless the page always
> calls requestBookmark very early in the page load sequence at all
> times.

Right, but the search engine use case is what <link rel=“manifest” href=“foo.json"> is for.  

Loading of manifest data is then prioritized by the UA till it’s needed (i.e., till the user actually takes some action to “bookmark to homescreen”) - then the right icons, etc. would be d/l presumedly.  

So, the way I’ve been viewing this is that API provides a way to customize the externalized JSON metadata by overriding values - so it tries to cleanly abstract the idea of application metadata from the JSON itself by using as much information from the document and the JSON as is available.    
> I'd rather stick the manifest as metadata in the markup and make
> requestBookmark take no arguments.

This would already be supported, in that once the content of the link element is loaded:   

var installButton = $(“#installbutton”);  

//wait for it to load
$(“link[rel=manifest]”).on(“load”,  (e) => installButton.enable());

//use the metadata available to the document  
installButton.on(“click”, (e) => navigator.requestBookmark());  

If the load fails for whatever reason, then the developer could provide fallback either in the form of meta tags and/or by passing the custom manifest object.  

If you and others still don’t think the above meets the use cases, then I’d be ok to introduce something like:

<script type=“manifest”>
  … metadata …  

But need to talk to HTML folks about what the right thing to do here is (with regards to legacy UAs, not breaking parsing, etc.).  

Marcos Caceres

Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2013 22:19:24 UTC