Re: Overlap between StreamReader and FileReader

I am still not very familiar with promises, but if I take your 
preceeding example:

var sourceStream = xhr.response;
var resultStream = new Stream();
var fileWritingPromise = fileWriter.write(resultStream);
var encryptionPromise = crypto.subtle.encrypt(aesAlgorithmEncrypt, 
aesKey, sourceStream, resultStream);
Promise.all(fileWritingPromise, encryptionPromise).then(

shoud'nt it be more something like:

var sourceStream = xhr.response;
var encryptionPromise = crypto.subtle.encrypt(aesAlgorithmEncrypt, aesKey);
var resultStream=sourceStream.pipe(encryptionPromise);
var fileWritingPromise = fileWriter.write(resultStream);
Promise.all(fileWritingPromise, encryptionPromise).then(


var sourceStream = xhr.response;
var encryptionPromise = crypto.subtle.encrypt(aesAlgorithmEncrypt, aesKey);
var hashPromise = crypto.subtle.digest(hash);
var resultStream = sourceStream.pipe([encryptionPromise,hashPromise]);
var fileWritingPromise = fileWriter.write(resultStream);
Promise.all(fileWritingPromise, resultStream).then(



Le 03/10/2013 10:27, Takeshi Yoshino a écrit :
> Formatted and published my latest proposal at github after 
> incorporating Aymeric's multi-dest idea.
> On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Kenneth Russell < 
> <>> wrote:
>     This looks nice. It looks like it should already handle the flow
>     control issues mentioned earlier in the thread, simply by
>     performing the read on demand, though reporting the result
>     asynchronously.
> Thanks, Kenneth for reviewing.

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Received on Friday, 4 October 2013 08:58:12 UTC