[admin] DOM4 is now a deliverable of the HTMLWG

FYI, as Philippe announced a few days ago, the HTMLWG's new charter [1] 
includes DOM4:


The new charter includes:

  * An Dual License experiment for some specifications:
  * The addition of the DOM4 specification

Re the rationale for moving this spec to HTMLWG, the following 
(unfortunately, Member-only) information was provided to Members:


The Director made one additional change to this charter as a result of
discussion: to move the DOM4 specification from the charter of the Web
Applications Working Group to the HTML Working Group.  The decision is
the result of several considerations:

  * The DOM4 specification has not been updated by the Web Applications
    Working Group since December 2012.
  * The HTML5 specification has a strong dependency on DOM4, so to
    complete HTML5 on time, we need DOM4 to advance.
  * At the June AC Meeting [2] we sought input on which specifications
    could usefully move to the HTML Working Group as part of
    this experiment. As a result of conversations, it became clear
    that DOM4 was the primary candidate.
  * The Chairs of both the HTML Working Group and the Web Applications
    Working Group have indicated that they support this move.

Philippe, Robin, Yves - please clarify if the dual license will apply to 
the HTMLWG's DOM4 spec and the plan for the spec's Editor(s). My 
expectation is that www-dom will continue to be used for DOM4 so please 
confirm that too.

-Thanks, AB

[1] <http://www.w3.org/2013/09/html-charter.html>

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 13:36:20 UTC