[admin] Spec status and plans ...

Hi All,

During WebApps' f2f meetings, we typically review each spec in 
[PubStatus] to determine if the specs' data is accurate, as well as to 
identify any general issues about each spec. I think this has been 
useful to help get us "on the same page" as well as to help set 
expectations such as providing accurate information for each spec's "Plans".

Since the registrant list for the November 11-12 meeting is relatively 
low and several spec Editors are not registered, I am going to use 
e-mail to `simulate` this review. I'll send separate e-mails for the 
specs and group them if/when it makes sense (f.ex. Web Components). A 
few specs have a relatively clear status (f.ex. File API is now in LC, 
CORS is on track for PR, Web IDL tests are being reviewed) so I will not 
request information for those specs.

Although WebApps does not enforce the so-called "heartbeat" publication 
of Working Drafts, if your spec has not been published recently (say in 
2013), it probably should be published, especially if the spec has 
changed, is now feature complete, is getting implemented, etc.

Editors - I would appreciate it if you would please reply to your spec's 
specific request for status and plans and I apologize in advance if that 
data is already clear or `well known`.

-Thanks, ArtB

[PubStatus] <http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/PubStatus>

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 16:25:51 UTC