Re: Overlap between StreamReader and FileReader

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Aymeric Vitte <>wrote:

>  My understanding is that the flow control APIs like mine are intended to
> be used by JS code implementing some converter, consumer, etc. while
> built-in stuff like WebCrypt would be evolved to accept Stream directly and
> handle flow control in e.g. C++ world.
>  ----
>  BTW, I'm discussing this to provide data points to decide whether to
> include flow control API or not. I'm not pushing it. I appreciate if other
> participants express opinions about this.
> Not sure to get what you mean between your API flow control and built-in
> flow control... I think the main purpose of the Stream API should be to
> handle more efficiently streaming without having to handle ArrayBuffers
> copy, split, concat, etc, to abstract the use of ArrayBuffer,
> ArrayBufferView, Blob, txt so you don't spend your time converting things
> and to connect simply different streams.

JS flow control API is for JS code to manually control threshold, buffer
size, etc. so that JS code can consume, produce data to/from Stream.

Built-in flow control is C++ (or any other lang implementing the UA)
interface that will be used when streams are connected with pipe(). Maybe
it would have similar interface as JS flow control API.

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2013 03:17:05 UTC