On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Aymeric Vitte <vitteaymeric@gmail.com>wrote:
> My understanding is that the flow control APIs like mine are intended to
> be used by JS code implementing some converter, consumer, etc. while
> built-in stuff like WebCrypt would be evolved to accept Stream directly and
> handle flow control in e.g. C++ world.
> ----
> BTW, I'm discussing this to provide data points to decide whether to
> include flow control API or not. I'm not pushing it. I appreciate if other
> participants express opinions about this.
> Not sure to get what you mean between your API flow control and built-in
> flow control... I think the main purpose of the Stream API should be to
> handle more efficiently streaming without having to handle ArrayBuffers
> copy, split, concat, etc, to abstract the use of ArrayBuffer,
> ArrayBufferView, Blob, txt so you don't spend your time converting things
> and to connect simply different streams.
JS flow control API is for JS code to manually control threshold, buffer
size, etc. so that JS code can consume, produce data to/from Stream.
Built-in flow control is C++ (or any other lang implementing the UA)
interface that will be used when streams are connected with pipe(). Maybe
it would have similar interface as JS flow control API.