Re: when will serializing a document throw?

>> It passes a completely empty document without even a document element to  
>> send(). No implementation throws.

> I think the reason here is that what the spec says is the right thing, and  
> there probably isn't a Web compat reason not to do the right thing, but  
> browsers haven't considered this to be high priority to fix.

Well, that may be the reason - and I'm not aware of any compat issues anyone has had in the past because of exceptions here. It still seems a bit suspect that all implementors have aligned perfectly on the spec-wise wrong behaviour. It also carries a bit of a risk to push for introducing new exceptions and make code that didn't throw historically change behaviour.

> Maybe we could remove the throwing from the spec, but it seems kind of sad  
> to not catch this in the serializer.

Sort of.. but then again, I guess a completely empty string could be considered a valid representation of a completely empty document..? :-)

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Friday, 20 September 2013 12:35:23 UTC