Re: [XHR] Content-Length header for data: URLs

Just an observation — perhaps an obvious one to others who are more
familiar with the various URI specs and whatnot — but I've always
considered the comma and prior to be the equivalent of HTTP headers
(metadata) for the image, so to me the "Content-Length" would likely
exclude the comma and prior.  Does that make sense to others?

    James Greene

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Julian Aubourg <> wrote:

> It's a malformed data URI for now. What I'm wondering is if we're sure
> we'll never have an encoding that makes it impossible to determine the
> length without decoding the entire content (think url-encoded like).
> I do agree having the Content-Length is useful information, I'm just
> trying to make sure we're future-proof in our approach.
> My opinion is that a Content-Length "should" be provided but I'm not sure
> it "must". And again, since Anne doesn't seem to favour "should"... well,
> we're back at "must not".
> On 20 September 2013 05:55, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
>> On 9/19/13 11:39 PM, Julian Aubourg wrote:
>>> We need to check the encoding
>> You mean the base64 or lack thereof?
>>  we need to make sure we
>>> know how to determine the actual length for this encoding
>> For base64 you do.  Otherwise, it's a malformed data URI.
>>  we need a way
>>> to not store length if we dunno the encoding
>> In what situation would this ever happen?
>>  What I'm seeing here is that being able to have a Content-Length or not
>>> seems implementation dependent.
>> No more so than having a Content-Type, as far as I can see.
>>  I'm pretty sure we cannot assume all implementations will be able to
>>> provide a Content-Length.
>> I'm pretty sure we can in fact assume just that.
>>  So it seems like we should just keep
>>> prohibiting Content-Length.
>> If it were useless to provide it, I might agree.  But it's useful.  This
>> is why blob URIs go out of their way to provide it...
>> -Boris

Received on Friday, 20 September 2013 05:05:50 UTC