RE: Selectors: name find method and find signature

From: Boris Zbarsky [mailto:bzbarsky@MIT.EDU] 

> Why is that needed?  If we just want this to be generic and all, it seems simplest to say that they just get the "length" of "this", then run a counter from 0 to length, for each value [[Get]] that property, then [[Invoke]] "querySelectorAll" on it.  This doesn't require making up internal methods and works fine as long as people aren't purposefully trying to subvert it.

That sounds cool too! I was just concerned it wouldn't be optimizable enough.

>> I doubt implementing `query` in terms of `querySelectorAll` is actually the best approach though
> Why not?

>> maybe checking for some internally-set property like [[Queryable]] or [[CanBeReferenceElementForRelativeSelector]] would be better.

> I would caution against creating too many internally-set properties. 
> They have real implementation costs, especially if you want them on a per-element basis!

I just assumed that allowing implementations to optimize by directly reaching into selector caches etc. would be better. But you're the implementer! :) If internal properties are less optimizable than working in terms of querySelector, I'm fine either way!

Received on Thursday, 12 September 2013 16:59:18 UTC