Re: File API: lacks model


This feedback is a bit vague. 

> I think you should describe the underlying model for Blob/File so
> other specifications can more easily hook into it. E.g. if I want to
> represent a File object with a name /x/ and type /y/ there's not a
> clear way to do that right now. This also leads to issues such as [value space of properties]

Why isn't there a clear way to do that now? notwithstanding, you can either obtain a File from the underlying file system with a "best guess" type by the UA, OR create one with a constructor.  What's missing exactly?

> E.g. "A |blob| provides asynchronous access to a byte sequence. A blob
> has an associated |type| which is a MIME type." (Which could be a link
> to the variant of MIME type you use.) And then you build the API on
> top of this model.

I treat as relatively normative here.  What am I missing?

-- A*

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2013 14:08:01 UTC